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Creatives Inner Circle Business Coaching

Want to Learn about Art Shows, Craft shows & Retail/Brick and Mortar

If you have asked yourself these questions then this is the Tutorial for you.


Have you ever wondered where to go and sell your handmade goods?


The best places for making $$. 

How can I make more $$ doing what I love to do.


Need info on set up and display ideas, what shows are the best.


Open your own store or rent a space ?



How about tax questions and best practices? 

How to make tax season easy peasy.


How do I set up a Legit business, business licensing.

How do I buy wholesale and stop paying retail.

What website is best for me and my business ?

Selling on Etsy, Ebay & Facebook.

Should I watermark my work, Whats the best one.

Video editing and youtube

Facebook lives best practices

Learn to grow your page with a few tips and tricks that I have learned.

I have done all of the above. There are good and bad about all of them. My experiences will be your gain. Avoid most of the trial and error from learning all of this on your own. Save yourself the headache and some $$. 

This group will be a Q&A type group. I will go live to teach you all that I  know about all of the above and more. 

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